Monday, March 01, 2004

I have singed up for my second course of belly dance classes.

I used up two bottles of shower gel and tossed the empties this weekend.

I put supper together Saturday night, thereby eliminating the need to put supper on the credit card. I'm praying for more nights like that as I would really like to go to London next year.

There is an old chair sitting out in front of the garage that will go out to the curb tonight for the garbage men to haul away tomorrow morning. This was more a product of my mom's frustration than anything else. As the chair was really her auxilliary closet it really didn't bother me.

I am close to using up some of the stock piled shampoo that has been haunting the confines of my bathroom closet for years. Seriously, I have moved some of this stock piled crap twice. Had Y2K been the major disaster that some kooks thought it would be, I could have been clean for decades. I would have gotten pretty damn tired of eating grass and leaves, as I did not feel the need to stock up on canned goods, but I would have been clean and my clothes would have been clean. Even if I would have had to wash them in the river with a rock. May not have had electricity, but by damn, I would be the cleanest person sitting there in the dark.

I threw out some knickers that where put together wrong at the factory and never fit right. I really think they where two butt pieces sewn together. I did this in a clandestine manner, otherwise my mother would have wanted to make a rag out of them. No, hell no, throw them fuckers out.

Why she will argue over throwing out a lousy pair of knickers but put a serviceable but somewhat scruffy chair out in the rain for three days until the garbage men come on Tuesday is beyond me. Even though it was dark this morning when we began our commute, I could tell she didn't appreciate the "crack house" remark I made.

And these are the most positive things I can report about my life right now.

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