Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This is not what I signed on for.

My co-worker is jabbering at me like a mother-fucking monkey on crank, about absolutely nothing.

My hands are cramping like hell.

My car pool is going to be running "just about an hour and a half late, you don't have to be anywhere until 7:00, right?"

You got the exact same invitation I did and it states to be there at 6:30.

Of course whenever we go someplace together, we are never on time. Anybody with half a brain would know that we won't be on time this time, but hey, I'm a dumbass.

Just shoot me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I really want to go to law school?

It used to be a certainty.

Without question I knew that once certain obstacles were surmounted that I, yes, I was going to law school. That was what I wanted above all else.

And then it hit me. This morning, right between the eyes came the thought.

Court TV is fucking boring.

And just as a point of consideration, if I were to pursue law school and in fact become a lawyer, wouldn't at some time I be expected to appear in court for something?

It's going to take me at least seven more years to be finished with my undergradutae degree and law school. I can retire from this soul sucking job that I hate in ten years. If I spend too much time thinking about this, I think my right eye will explode.

Things are pretty fucking uncertain for me right now. I feel lost.