Thursday, June 17, 2004

This shit is my career?

God, how I fucking hate this job.

I hate the work. I hate a good number of the people I work with. I hate all the people who utilize our services. I hate the pay, the hours, the working conditions and politics that exist in this scrubby asshole of an office.

In twelve years I can retire with full medical benefits. Given that I have a medical condition, I need to keep this job.

In twelve years I can finish my graduate degree. That shit takes a while going part-time at night.

And then I get to start all over working someplace else.

I just wonder how long it'll take me to start hating that job.

This shit is my career?

God, how I fucking hate this job.

I hate the work. I hate a good number of the people I work with. I hate all the people who utilize our services. I hate the pay, the hours, the working conditions and politics that exist in this scrubby asshole of an office.

In twelve years I can retire with full medical benefits. Given that I have a medical condition, I need to keep this job.

In twelve years I can finish my graduate degree. That shit takes a while going part-time at night.

And then I get to start all over working someplace else.

I just wonder how long it'll take me to start hating that job.