Friday, January 20, 2006

I beat Oprah to "Night"!!!!!

Bwahahahahaha! I read this book ages ago! Absolutely ages ago!

I read this book BEFORE Oprah said reading was cool!!!! Doing a little happy monkey dance on the desktop right now.

Anyway. On to more important things.

Classes started this week, and my suspicions where proven correct. I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago. I have got such a shit-load of reading to do this weekend that I could choke. It's not nearly as much fun when it's compulsory.

Parking at school has actually not been such an issue this semester, yet. I've actually found a couple of good parking places without too much problem.

Pretty fuckin' sad that as a university educated person the best thing I can come up with to post about is my parking situation. I'd talk about my graduation, but that's at least 18 months away and it's not like I'm going the cap & gown route anyway. Give me my diploma and let me the hell out!