Monday, February 23, 2004

Ok, am I the only one who thinks this was monumentally stupid?

I work with a woman who's parents live in Mexico, and she went down there last week because her mom was having knee replacement surgery.

The good news is that Mom went through her surgery fine and other than the amount of time it'll take her to fully recuperate, she's good to go.

The totally fucked-up news is that Ms. Co-Worker went and got her eye-liner tatooed on while she was in Mexico. She has spent all day dabbing on antibotic ointment with a q-tip and checking for signs of infection. Not that her spending a lot of her day looking in the mirror is anything new, but to spend most of your day looking in the mirror at your newly tattoed eyeliner is just little much.

And never mind the getting it done in Mexico thing, I wouldn't get it done ANYWHERE! Excuse me, but evolution provides you with one, count them, ONE set of eyes and you should really take good care of them. And even though the eye lid and the eye are two different body parts, they are really fucking close together. Hello! Infection spreads.

She said it really hurt, but it only took about an hour to get it done.

No fucking shit it hurt. I've never had a tatoo on my ass and I know that it would hurt, and the skin on my ass is a lot thicker that the skin on my eyelids.