Thursday, February 19, 2004

If I only had a fifth of vodka.

If only I had a fifth of vodka.

I wouldn't have it for long.

I personally think it's a little crazy to want to start drinking fifteen minutes after you get to work in the morning, but I really thought nothing of it when I wanted to start drinking BEFORE I got to work this morning on the commute in.

Curse you Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and your archane rules about when liquor can and can't be sold.

Curse you to hell.

I was just told by someone pretty close to me whom I love a lot that if I had a blog she would "read it everyday!"

Um, yeah, thanks, but there is just some stuff that I don't want you reading about me. I don't mind if everybody else on the WWW reads it, but the thought of you reading it and knowing that I wrote it gives you too much power in family gathering style situations, and I'm just not comfortable with that.

And I like to remember my family history in a way that best excuses my behavior, not anybody elses.

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